Take Action

against the distribution of Chemical Abortion Pills.


Remove Chemical Abortion from Our Drinking Water.

Please contact your U.S. Senators & Congressmen today to tell them that no matter their perspective on abortion, they need to protect the health of women and the environment!

Sign the Petition



Download Your Free This is Chemical Abortion Emergency Response Kit!

Receive more tools & resources to combat Chemical Abortion by downloading our FREE "This Is Chemical Abortion Emergency Response Kit" with flyers, event guides, and more!


Educate Your Campus About Chemical Abortion

If you are a student sign up to host our Think Before You Drink: Chemical Abortions in Our Water National Campus Tour

Sign Up Here


Have You Been Hurt by
Chemical Abortion?

Do you feel you weren't aware of the potential harms of Chemical Abortion Pills prior to taking them? Consumer Fraud can be reported directly to your state.

Report Fraud